Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “FaaS”
Why Networking is Critical to Serverless
As readers know, I have been thinking a lot about serverless lately (along with all other forms of technology deployment and management, since it is what I do professionally).
Recently, I came at it from another angle: network latency.
Two weeks ago, I presented at LinuxCon/ConainerCon Berlin on "Networking (Containers) in Ultra-Low-Latency Environments," slides here.
I won't go into the details - feel free to look at the slides and data, explore the code repo, reproduce the tests yourself, and contact me for help if you need to apply it to your circumstances - but I do want to highlight one of the most important takeaways.
The Problem with Serverless Is Packaging
Serverless. Framework-as-a-Service. Function-as-a-Service. Lambda. Compute Functions.
Whatever you call it, serverless is, to some degree, a natural evolution of application management.
In the 90s, we had our own server rooms, managed our own servers and power and cooling and security, and deployed our software to them. In the 2000s, we used colocation providers like Equinix (many still do) to deploy our servers in our own cages or, at best, managed server providers like Rackspace.