Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “finance”
Kill Your SLA
Do you have SLAs with your customers? Dirty little secret: they don't matter.
All that matters is customer expectation in real time.
You are running a service. You know that your enterprise customers are highly sensitive to availability, since they use your service to help them make money. Perhaps they even use you as part of their customer-facing platform.
Nonetheless, you know you cannot provide 100% availability, even discounting planned maintenance.
How to do True Cloud
Now that we understand what the cloud is, the types of cloud services, the difference between true cloud and hosting, why true cloud matters greatly, and how it makes you nimble, the inevitable question is, how do we get there?
Or, to use our question from our last article, how do we get to say, "YES", to the customer who offers us $500,000 - or $5MM - if we are ready to run tomorrow?